What is Paternal Postnatal Depression?
Fathers can also experience mood changes after the birth of a child called Paternal Postnatal Depression (PPND). PPND is a common condition among men after the birth of a child (up to one year after birth). Up to 25% of fathers experience postnatal depression and up to 50% if their partners have postpartum depression.
Being a new father to an infant is difficult. Changes in hormones, sleepless nights, conflict with your partner, financial issues and increased stress can all be risk factors in developing PPND.
If you experience:
Anxiety, panic, increased worry
Avoiding being home, withdrawing from your family
Cannot tolerate your baby crying
Increased agitation
Changes/increase in substance use
You may be experiencing PPND. Fathers matter too and treatment is available. Please call for a free 15 minute phone consultation to see how I can help.